Nowadays, the mobile devices which we carry around in our pockets are more powerful than the supercomputers that the United States government used to use to protect the homeland. With portable devices already so powerful, it is hard to imagine what the future will look like. Technology advances every day, and these portable devices are only going to get more powerful. Naturally, this has created mobile security threats which we must become more aware of.
Whether it’s through Bluetooth technology or through WiFi, mobile devices can sync to other devices around them. Syncing is the process of two or more devices becoming systematically linked so that the information on one device is concurrent with the information on another device. This can create mobile security threats. Without strong security strategies in place, these mobile security threats could cause the device to infect or become infected with malicious software, or malware, when it syncs with another device.
Mobile Phishing
Mobile security threats are often similar to the threats we must deal with on our other non-portable machines. Phishing is the illegal attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details for malicious reasons, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity. A hacker will send emails to several email addresses, usually at random, appearing to come from a reputable and recognizable establishment. The receiver will open the email, believing it to be a legitimate email and perhaps click on a link or download a file, which will then be used to target the computer for malware or to trick the user into entering personal details.
Fake Mobile Apps
Have you ever heard the phrase, “There’s an app for everything?” There really is an app for everything, including installing malicious software onto your mobile device. Fake mobile apps have quickly risen to the top of the list of common mobile security threats. One may think that he or she is downloading a harmless app, however, the app could likely be a trap used to infect mobile devices with software designed to steal personal and sensitive information.
Ransomware is common malicious software which is usually attained through entrapping mobile apps. Ransomware will seize all mobile operations on the device and lock the phone from exiting the app. The mobile user will then be prompted to pay a certain amount of money to unlock their phone. If this happens to you, stop what you are doing and call the police immediately.
Mobile security threats are to be given just as much attention to as other cyber security threats. With the use of mobile devices rising every year, we must keep up with the hackers. Consult with a security company for the most up to date information on mobile security threats, solutions, and strategies. Cyber security companies are always learning and researching in order to best protect clients from the most modern cyberattacks.