The threat landscape is changing. The digital revolution has transformed the world in a multitude of positive ways—but it has inadvertently created new threats. From Social Media and messaging platforms to remote work environments we are dealing with a new era of efficiency. Which is great for society in many ways, although the same technology carries over to the security threats.
Combating these threats requires intelligent applications that can rapidly sift through overwhelming amounts of data that cannot be processed at the human level. Recent developments in artificial intelligence and signals processing can help security catch up. As tools become more sophisticated and readily available, security organizations must adopt new practices and capabilities. Failure to transform will increase the likelihood of becoming a target.
Not only do you need the AI programs, but you also need the technicians who can analyze the data and make security decisions on execution.
Technology Mixed with Physical Security
Here at SecurityRI we believe technology should be part of physical security. Technology assist with the ways we interact, speed of our messaging, detecting trends, and reducing criminal activity.
The major piece is the data being collected to detect trends. We gather the information from the field officers, who report incidents and unusual activity. Data is entered into our security database and trends are detected to realign our securing staff.
Why Invest in Security? ROI
Security in general has many returns on its investment because you are reducing risk. Reducing risk of security breaches means less unnecessary funds spent in the future. Less funds spent on breaches = peace of mind.
Peace of mind, knowing your business is secure, employees are safer, and you are focusing on your business’s core competencies.
Methods of security you can invest in to ensure your security protocols are implemented correctly:
- Cyber Security – Computer security, cybersecurity or information technology security is the protection of computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.
- Security Guards / Patrol Team – Actual personnel stationed at your location. Ether during the day or overnight when your business is closed. Patrol can be added for an additional security presence factor. Visual, known security helps deter criminal activity.
- Physical Security – security measures that are designed to deny unauthorized access to facilities,
equipment, and resources and to protect personnel and property from damage or harm. - Surveillance Cameras – monitoring of behavior, activities, or information for the purpose of information gathering, influencing, managing, or directing.
Back to when we talk about the future of security is here – we are talking about the integration of all the listed security measures. Having a team who strictly holds the keys to your location, that you can trust. Also. Leveraging between the different security sectors to ensure your people, property and assets are protected.